Review: KFC Cinnabon Dessert Biscuit

Hey everyone,

It’s your old pal Sha’Meless Consuman. Yes, that guy.

You might be asking your computer, how did I get out of the underground Little Caesars restaurant located below a functioning Little Caesars restaurant on Business Drive in Sheboygan Wisconsin? Nobody knew where to find me! You’re right, despite my clever hints hidden within numerous reviews, not a single person at my place of business was able to figure it out.

In that vein, I’d like to give an adequately sized shout out to the customers of the Little Caesars in Sheboygan Wisconsin who managed to dig out and rescue me from my underground prison. I’m only giving them a moderate shout out, because they were actually driven by the smell of rat Parmesan, what with it being the only edible thing in the building, and I managed to sneak out before the scene became violent. It’s incredible how a simple bag of freeze dried chicken noodle soup can be thrown hard enough to induce a concussion.

Anyway, I’m back only to learn that they’ve taken those two months out of my paid time off. I don’t bust my ass to put out new content every two weeks to seven months to be treated like this. To vent my frustration, I went down to the local KFC to see what crazy new things they had on the menu, and that’s how I found the dessert biscuit.

The KFC Dessert Biscuit is what happens when Tony Lowings kicks down the door to Monica Rothgery’s office and calmly explains to her that it’s been about thirty years since the company came up with a new dessert item, and if she doesn’t have a proposal on his desk within the next half hour that he’s going to grab the five meat feast from Little Caesars and redecorate her office walls but not with pizza, if you get my drift. On second thought, the KFC Dessert Biscuit is what happens when your insurance forces you to move over to the generic brand crystal meth.

As someone who eats at KFC at least once a month, I never knew until this week that they served dessert. They have cookies and these pound cakes that they call The Big Finish. I can only assume that’s because the sponginess of the cake is made to cork your colon shut so your body has some time to absorb what little nutrients are present in the potato wedges. If it sounds like I’m pissed at KFC or trying to rag on their food, I’d like to say that’s not the case at all. Given my two month departure and despite the fact that I’ve been publishing reviews in that time frame, the management at Shameless Consumer Industries has seen fit to put me through mandatory catch up training. It consists of watching around twenty hours of Youtube food reviewers.

The Cinnabon Dessert Biscuit is the product of an unholy matrimony, the kind that over the last few years has gone from quirky and interesting to dull and stupid. It’s not the first time we’ve fallen into this hole, since Gerber (yes the baby food company) once tried to sell its pureed foods to adults in the 70’s under the brand Gerber Singles. They missed the mark, since the adult baby food logically should have come with a handful of SSRI’s, a pamphlet with local therapists, and coupon for the local sex shop. This is also the kind of skullduggery that brings us bacon deodorant, sriracha toothpaste, and California reaper catheter lubricant.

I didn’t hate the Cinnabon Dessert Biscuits, but at the same time I’m not the kind of petulant manchild who will go unnamed for the sake of this review; the kind of guy who hams up his videos and acts like a four year old girl opening up a brand new Barbie doll on her birthday whenever he sees and eats food as though he didn’t eat a whole Cornish hen just a half hour ago, while the audience knows he’s just eating himself to death from the front seat of his leased Hyundai Elantra. Again I’m not going to name names, but you can’t help but feel bad for the guy while he jiggles around his car in glee because he has an opportunity to justify fifth dessert.

KFC’s Cinnabon Dessert Biscuits would be cooler if they were cinnamon biscuits, but they aren’t. They are standard KFC biscuits with some cinnamon and cream cheese icing drizzled over top. After eating two of them, I have come to the conclusion that they are essentially holiday Cinnabon alternatives. It’s like a small Cinnabon that you can eat two of and not feel cavities developing in your teeth along with the several hours knocked off your life expectancy.

It’s actually not bad, it’s like they took a Cinnabon sticky bun and removed a lot of the shame and depression that comes after eating it. It’s like a Cinnabon vitamin. A mini-Cinnabon. The morning after Cinnabon. I have no other jokes to make.

It certainly isn’t as traumatizing as that childhood experience when your parents leave you for a week with the hippie next door neighbor who tells you you’re having chicken mcnuggets for dinner, but when you happily enter the kitchen she says that she made her own famous mcnuggets which are just as tasty and a lot healthier because they’re vegan, and served with sugar free ketchup that she also made from scratch, and while you’re enjoying dinner we need to talk about you taking a stand against your parents when they take you to get your measles vaccine next month. I’m sorry, I blanked out for a second. Was I typing things?

Ultimately the Cinnabon Dessert Biscuit from KFC isn’t as disgusting as it looks in photos. It’s nothing you’ll write home about, although I guess I kinda did that by writing about it here. Oh well.

Verdict: 4/5 – Decently priced at $1 apiece, a Cinnabon with none of the shame and health defects.

Review: KFC Nashville Hot Chicken Strips

You might be thinking that Nashville Chicken comes from Nashville Tennessee, and frankly I can’t see your logic. Luckily you have historian Shameless Consumer to show you the error of your thinking. Nashville hot is actually the product of Johnny Nashville, chicken farmer and proprietor of Nashville’s very first chicken-themed government protest. Look up “Coop D’etat” in your history books if you don’t believe me.

But enough history, let’s talk chicken.

Nashville Hot is a method of cooking chicken marinated in seasonings, fried, then spiced with cayenne and paprika. It is often served with pickles and a form of bread, since the chicken is greasier than our good friends the Saltinis.


Let’s be clear on one thing: When it comes to fast food chicken, KFC basically has the game down. The three chicken strips I ordered were crispy on the outside, moist and tender on the inside. The cayenne and paprika that make up the “secret sauce” provide a heat that starts out at a low hum and gradually increases its presence as the meal goes on.

KFC’s Nashville Hot is described as:

The Colonel’s latest creation was inspired by one of Nashville’s most famous dishes. Featuring a perfect blend of spicy cayenne and smoked paprika, it’s available in tenders, Chicken Littles™, and Extra Crispy™ Chicken.

Like a perfectly mixed concoction, it gets hot without ever leaving you gasping for a drink of cole slaw or a spoonful of root beer. Imagine lighting your pants on fire because the electric company shut the power off, and having it burn just enough to keep you warm but without singing the hairs off of your thighs. Actually that’s a poor example, imagine being on the receiving end of an ass whooping that you find yourself strangely enjoying.


The KFC Nashville Hot is served in a plastic container with pickles and a biscuit, which will come in handy and I will now discuss further. You see, the plastic container means that there is nowhere for the many oils of the chicken to go but down, leaving what can only be described as an oily soup at the bottom of your container. If you can wait long enough, save the biscuit for last because by the time you finish the chicken, the biscuit will have soaked up many of those oils and spices.

And if you do need solace from the heat, that’s what the cole slaw is for. There are also a few pickles in the mix that help cleanse the palette, and presumably the abundance of oil is what allows the spices, and thus the heat, to stick to your tongue and keep its slow burn.

Ultimately KFC’s Nashville Hot is one of those things that is just straightforward tasty and doesn’t provide whole lot of the funny. If you like your chicken with just enough heat, but not too much heat, this is the meal for your.

Verdict – 5/5: KFC Nashville Hot is a delicious blend of chicken, chicken skin, and spices.

Badvertising: McDonald’s “No Kale” Ad Campaign

Today’s Badvertising is a McDonald’s ad from a few months back. I suggest watching it for yourself, but the ad basically bashes vegetarians, foodies, and “gastronauts” and their love of kale, greek yogurt, and quinoa.

It is trolling of the highest order, and it isn’t a new concept to advertising. I wouldn’t even consider it offensive. It’s actually kind of sad.

The No Kale ad launched alongside a new corporate strategy to focus on the ‘lovin’ part of “I’m Lovin It,” and how does McDonald’s start out its plan to (in their words) “bring back the positivity with more uplifting content and conversations in the lovin’ spirit?” They make fun of vegetarians and people who want to eat healthy.

But the problem isn’t the commercial as much as it is McDonald’s itself. The ad comes off as strong fighting words for a company missing sales expectations, losing executives, and rating horribly in service speed and satisfaction while its stock remains stagnant and other fast food joints are growing while they are shrinking.

Compare it to the KFC ad below. Yes, it’s a jab at the competition, but the focus is that eating KFC is fun and exciting compared to a boring sub, not by knocking the guy for eating healthy.

News: KFC Zinger Double Down

I’ve never really considered the KFC Double Down to be a traditional “sandwich.” A sandwich is supposed to be eaten, the Double Down was built to be shared on Twitter and spread across social media to bring attention to KFC. The fact that it’s a real menu item is just an unfortunate byproduct of the process.

You are not supposed to buy the Double Down, and KFC doesn’t expect you to actually order it, which is why they always seem to be out of stock. No, the Double Down only really exists on the internet, sailing through Buzzfeed articles titled “25 craziest fast food items,” and finding a resting place on Men’s Health Magazine’s “this is why you’re fat” page.

There are only two people who will actually eat the Double Down. College kids who have recently consumed what some might sneakily refer to as “a joint,” and Atkins zombies who think the sandwich is a healthy alternative because there is no bread.

The same rule applies to the upcoming KFC Double Down with a burger inside of it. Keep in mind: The proper way to consume the Double Down is completely unrelated to eating it.